This Girl Can -Phenomenal women

Denotation / what can be seen
Connotation / what is the meaning?
Camera- angle, size and movement
graphic matched cut 
montage of happy faces
depth of field
birds eye
low angle  
 worm eye view
Editing including any SFX
-fast cutting rate , pace and rhythm (montage)
-slow motion  
-to emphasise she is not afraid of her body & to build tension in certain clips   
Sound- diegetic, non-diegetic, narration etc.
-non-diegetic narration  
- music in the background
Mise-en-scene: location, costume, props, lighting
-multiple locations e.g gym , swimming pool, field/parks & a studio.
-variation in age  and race
- costume e.g gym clothing , swimming costumes sports clothing and hijabs and other cultural clothing.
- to show their is a variation in sport for different women.
-shows diversity and community within sport.
-shows women of all shapes ,sizes and ethnic backgrounds can get involved. 


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