class task of representation

Find evidence of representations of:
*Street life and urban culture
*The artist

Use screenshots to illustrate. Use examples of camera, editing, mise en scene, sound,
Class -Heaven presents multiple classes and is not discriminatory, i think Heaven is portraying that everyone struggles and finds it hard to keep on the right path and maintain a 'clean heart'.Social circumstances can make people feel disheartened but that of god gives people hope, represented in religious imagery throughout the song. Further, images of children are portrayed throughout and for most people their children mean the world to them are are their strength and beacon of hope.
Gender-Again a number of genders are represented here in the song heaven , both men and women struggle.

Religion-is portrayed quite a lot, eg mary , the cross , the clear blue sky is a representation of heaven and how it is not cloudy with no judgement. Religious imagery provides people with hope and faith keeps people going and teaches them not to give up doing good because the day was hard. I feel like having god portrayed as a theme throughout the song was important to Emile because for a lot of people thats what keeps them going.Struggling and experiencing difficult things in life can change you as a person and make your heart less clean. the people in this video all seem to have a sense of misery about them. The song for me talks about acceptance and forgiveness for why people have not got clean hearts. I feel as if people rely ona higher power to keep them going, for instance in the video people looking up at the sky holding there hands up. Emilie and the sky shot is a recurring motif.
street life and urban culture-
Ethnicity-The music video is quite diverse ,featuring people of different ethnic backgrounds ,of all ages. Showing diversity , leads away from stereotypes that certain races are less successful than others, it portrays all people struggle with social issues and being good on a day to day basis and remaining hopeful.Everybody is the same , judged the same , no matter the religion people still reely on god for guidance
The artist-


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