the daily mail focuses on the monarchy, celebrities and politics
 the guardian- politics, sport and health

curated content- there is too much happening in the world that there is too much to keep up with. realistically we can only process a small amount, who decides what news is more important and valuable?

supply- led content:

'gate keepers' give us the news they think is important,
in news this would be journalists and editors

demand-led content:
no 'gatekeepers', we decide whats important.
we follow the people are interesting to us and we ignore the rest.

cognitive surplus: focuses on describing the free time that individuals have to engage in collaborative activities within new media.

launched in 2006 , web 2.0 social media site with 300 million active users (15 million)
twitter is microblogging tool.

why journalists used social media:

  • source of tips
  • marketing and distribution platform
  • vox pops

social media can assist in the production, marketing and exchange of news.

daily mail:

  • 623 posts

  • 3470 posts


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