Summary of Effects theory


Role of Media
Effect on Audience
Effect Theory & Hypodermic Needle
stories published in the media influence or amplify current trends. Borrowers or investors will read an article and be influenced to act quickly on the news.

Moral Panic Theory
Moral entrepreneurs, who dislike some particular behaviour such as drug takings, may use the media to put pressure on the authorities to do something.The media also help to make the problem bigger and blow it out of proportion.

Cohen also observed that the media's definition of the situation are crucial in creating a moral panic, because in large-scale modern societies, most people have no direct experience of the events themselves and therefore have to rely on the media for information about them
Cultivation Theory

The Guardian-violent games and aggression

-problems wit genre of games
-had problems with defining between different types of violence
-top neurologist wasn't actually a neurologist 
-conduct disorder- group of violent behaviour in adolescence. e.g. bullying,stealing
-8-9 year old study group over several years-15yr old.
-study does not focus on social factors existing mental health


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