Emeli Sande-Heaven

Music video:10/15 marker
*Editing and sound
*Themes, messages and values

Camera :

*Hand held- to show social realism
*Sometimes out of focus
*Repeated close ups of artist- Godwin theory
*Low angle repeated master shot of Emeli Sande, with sky filling frame.-acts as a basis for everything else
*Low angle of sky / shooting into light-power/dominant
*lack of direct address (Sande) v breaking the 4th wall (other characters)-body language contrast with upbeat tune

    *Thought beats
      *Cross cutting from social realist imagery to religious / transcendental imagery
        *Jumpy (but not jump cuts) from different people, locations, time periods and moods-post modern technique
          *Edited in synch with the beat, lyric
            *Lyric (downbeat) contrasts with rhythm / beat (upbeat)
              *Montage of different characters, locations and symbols of street life


                *Non linear with a sense of narrative disruption (Todorov) throughout.
                  *Lack of resolution- which is typical of music video. The ending at a tunnel
                    *Structured by the verse and chorus of the song
                      * A range of characters as motifs to move the narrative forward- links to theme of sadness v transcendence
                        *Moving around in time and space (post-modern).. Which links to editing…


                          *Representation of the artist including mise en scene and shot type: low angle, close up, glamorous but not objectified, lack of direct address. Establishes her star quality and authorage
                            *Representations of women are not sexualised, although the woman in the red dress is stereotypical.  Other archetypes of femininity include mothering, carefree girl in white dress
                              *Diverse representations of (predominantly) youthful, multicultural, working class London


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