
Judith Butler :

  • a feminist theorist who says gender is a social construct.
  • we get our sense of masculinity and femininity from society.
  • cultural conditioning /society
  • performitivity- Gender often means adhering to gender normative behavior and roles. The performance of gender reinforces the essentialism of gender categories. ... Genderperformance consists of a stylized practice involving gestures, language, and speech and serves to form and build an identity. 
Post-modernism : is a movement from the mid 20th century. 

Baudrillard- postmodern society is organised around simulation -the play of images/signs
style over content 
  • you don't need to have a meaning for a media product to have value 
  • simulacra- says simulation/version of reality which is replaced any 'pure' reality
  • hyper-real- any boundary between the real and imaginary disappears 
  • parody-remake for humour
  • pastiche-imitation as tribute


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