Task 6:statement of Intent

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

Product 1:
 Rogue magazine pages aim to please and inspire young people, as it has a focus of alternate aesthetic which is currently trending right now. I hope to make my magazine successful by ensuring my magazine brand name is bold and engaging. My brand name will also be slanted to show that my magazine is not are regular high fashion magazine, the style is wild and new.For my magazine front covers and content pages I intend to create an alternative /edgy brand. This brand will appeal to the demographic audience of young people, including classes A, B and C, there are no restrictions. Furthermore, my models will be of different ethnic background to promote diversity and self-love/appreciation. I want young women to be confident in what they wear and who they are ,which is why I will feature a self-love column.I’m going to create a drastic and colourful makeup look on each model. By doing this I hope to convey the alternative/edgy look Rogue aims for.
My first magazine cover will have a red theme, I chose red because as it ties in with the models makeup and I feel that red connotes a sense of danger, seduction and wildness. I want my readers to explore/embrace their wild side. For my second front cover I will use a purple theme , purple represents a sense of power and ambition ,I want all the young women who read and take inspiration from my magazine to feel empowered in themselves .  Rogue will issue a different theme every month, in order to highlight different styles/ vibe our magazine will give off during that month. E.g. winter would be a cool blue to give of a cold/tranquil look (this gives of that it is a winter edition and that its jumper/puffer jacket season). As Bauer is one of the main magazine publishers , they will be publishing my magazine , especially because it is a new and fresh magazine. 

Product 2:   

For my website i will follow media codes, language and conventions for a website design, for example i will use the same title from my magazine. I will have a menu bar but also have links on my home page that link to pages on the menu bar, such as 'beauty', 'fashion', 'news' and 'behind the scenes' and much more. My working link will be my 'behind the scenes' page, i just this to be my working link because i want the audience to be able to see images that didn't get featured in my magazines and the fun we had behind getting the perfect pictures to feature. I will feature a social media bar including, twitter , instagram, snapchat and pintrest,i also have a 'write to me' tab at the bottom of the page which features my email. using social media on my website allows my viewers / readers to offer feedback and critiques, i would also like them to suggest new ideas to feature on my website. 

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production?

 Media products should have a consistent brand image that portray the same message and show that they are aimed at the same target audience. I will convey this in a few ways, for example, I will use the same brand name, models, layout for the front covers and front pages. Using the same brand name font and style will link my magazine to the website as will using the same models.

 Using the same brand name and font/style is really significant because it's what people know your magazine or website by, they have to be the same in order to make them iconic. For my brand name font I chose ‘copperplate gothic bold’ with a black rim as an outline to make the brand name more noticeable. I hope to create synergy and brand loyalty by using the same models in the contents and conveying the same message of intent , front cover and the website. In order to complete this I will create a behind the scenes of a photoshoot, featuring the models I use and photos I haven’t included in the content or front cover.  


  1. Some good observations concerning product 1. I suggest you start your statement with sentence 2 stating the intent of Rogue magazine. Regarding product 2 you could say more about the structure of your website, use of menu system, colour scheme, typography, content etc.
    You need to add the third section about digital convergence as we have discussed in class. This is where a message is reinforced creating synergy across two different platforms to target an audience on behalf of the parent company etc.


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