Task 3

The Guardian Article:

Sentence summary-The Guardian is claiming that TV commercials were once important but no t now. This is due to social media having an influence on people and what they do in their spare time, moreover people genuinely find adverts annoying because they want to relax.


  • Native ads- when the advert is meant to look like the content.
  • Branded content-when the content is within the brand.
  • Product placement- when films/music videos use products brand with its content.
The native averts we watched were not effective because they  had obvious product placement.For example Avril Lavignes music video started off with her saying 'oh my new Sony phone is ringing' and then she placed it in water. After that the phone was never seen in her music video again , thus showing it was just a quick advert for the new Sony phone. There was no easing the product into the music video which would have looked more natural and would have been more effective. 


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