strangers things

Stranger Things

pick three characters how are they represented ?
pick a theory

character :11

  •  eleven is represented as mysterious at first as she hardly speaks.
  • you can tell she is an escapee from the lab due to her hospital smock that she is wearing 
  • however, you do not know what is going on in the lab as not much has been gi8ven away so we do not know her purpose
  • stranger things uses intertextuality such as auschwitz when it comes to elevens haircut and number on her wrist.
  • when in the cafe that is the first sign of why she was in the lab , she seems to have telekinesis 
  • we get to know that she ran away for a reason and the she is some sort of protagonist/a resolution to Will's disappearance. 
Theory link-genre theory ( mystery/thriller/sci-fi)

character:Jim Hopper
  • at first glance hopper seems like a drunken bum whois constantly popping pills
  • shortly after his first scene we learn he is the sheriff 
  • he seems good at his job as he takes wills case very seriously and quickly organises a search party when he thinks this isn't an ordinary case 
  • he also comes across as mysterious 
  • later on  during the search light is shed on his behaviour , his daughter had died a few years back and he has never been the same since. 
theory link- genre theory (mystery/thriller), structuralism theory 

Character: Mike 
  • smart young boy
  • fromn a cereal packet family
  • adventurous 
  • boys just playing dungeons and dragons 
  • american dream house 
  • no disruption until will gets confronted by the demogorgon in the game 
  • hawkins is meant to be safe , however like the game that changes 
theory link-equilibrium theory 


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