Netflix and Me

You will create a vlog about identity, long form media tv drama and netflix and/or a catch up tv series.

  • focus on your own identity (gender/sexuality/age)- is there representations netflix ?
  • is representation better on netflix or regular traditional tv?
  • what do the netflix shows you watch say about you ? 
My opinion:I think that netflix portrays all genders , sexuality and ages really well  and this is from my personal experience. I'm 17 years old and i find that there are a lot of options to watch that i feel i can relate to, such as the vampire diaries , horrors and Grace & Frankie.The reason why i can relate to grace and frankie is because its about two older women learning to  empower themselves after they are divorced. I do believe self empowerment is a big thing to girls of a young age and it is fantastic that we can relate to older women through this programme-age has no restrictions. -in garden.

The reasons being is because genuinely for a girl at the age of 17 our interests revolve around love & friendship ,self empowerment , confidence and for some ,thrill seeking, like me. -In bedroom by photo wall.

I do think Netflix has a better representation than traditional tv , because it comes up with suggested films based on what you've liked and watched before but at the same time it also gives you different options from various categories.Whereas, tv shows are on at certain times and cannot be directly filtered to programmes or movies that are similar to what you've watched before , as well as offer different options.- scrolling through netflix.


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