class action/intertextuality
Intertextuality- the reference of other media products within your own, a text can only be understood if you know the other product. *The Handsmaid tale-novel,dystopian socitey *Harry Potter- Harry,Hermoine, Ron *Benedict Cumberbatch-actor *Ozzy Osbourne-muscian,struggled in school (dyslexia) *Pink Floyd- The wall,hammers politically engaged *Flashman-comic book character *Grange Hill- kids school tv drama (Coverline) why finland ? the best education system let children be children unbtil 7 then education start Less assessment Children not measured at all for the first 6 years of their education One mandatory assessment and not until age 16 Shortest school days in the world Freedom in the classroom for teachers Analyse why The Big Issue magazine has used an intertextual approach on its front cover. In your answer you must: analyse the use of intertextuality to create meaning in the source. make judgements and reach a conclusion about the advantage...