News values is about how professionals decide on what is newsworthy, how to attract an audience in newspapers, on line and social news. 

News values (1981 study by Galtung and Ruge) is a criteria used by media outlets e.g newspapers to determine how important stories were;
According to former Times and Sunday Times Editor, Harold Evans, a news story:
  1. is about necessary information and unusual events
  2. should be based on observable facts
  3. should be an unbiased account
  4. should be free from the reporter’s opinion 
News values diagram
Negativity - Bad news is always highly more rated than good news, because it's more exciting and interests the readers more.

Proximity - Stories that involve people from their own countries or stories that are close to people geographically. 

Recency - newspapers are generally competitive about breaking news.

Currency  - This is the opposite to recency, stories that have been in the public eye that are deemed valuable e.g the Madeleine McCann case.

Continuity - Events/stories that are likely to leave an impact on readers for a long time e.g news of war.

Uniqueness - A story that covers unique events. 

Converged- refers to the crossing over or coming together of 2 or more techs/platforms. 

Objectivity- is about balance and showing both sides of the story. 

Frequency-time scale of events perceived to be newsworthy.

Threshold- this is the size of the event that is needed for it to be considered newsworthy. 

The "other"-Paul Gilroy

Predictability- key convention of news is meant to be surprising but they are quite easily sussed out. 

Narrative- is a story involving protagonists& antagonist,  they will drive the story .

Binary oppositions- terms that have the opposite in meaning.

Composition-  is about balancing things within the needs/about encouraging the audience to make implicit links. 

Personalisation-to give a human interest angle.Makes it memorable.


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